Ski Patrol

Movie #3

Date Released: 1.12.90

Date Watched: 4.3.2020


Rodney Dangerfield impressions, latin men being framed for stealing, and some fun ski montages all make up this horrific mess of a movie. I’ll admit, as one who loves campy comedies, I would have loved this movie as a kid (and very well may have!) It’s hard to fathom, these days, how making fun or light of mental health issues, gender identity, and weight issues was ever comedic fodder, but apparently it was. If you can look past the the lens of our times, this is still not a good movie but there are some pluses for sure…

First of all, Paul Fieg steals the show. George Lopez is actually by far the best performer in the movie, but talented performances have no place in a movie like Ski Patrol. It’s goofy, off beat, and (these days) totally inappropriate, but also it does have its fun moments. Feig’s innocent goofiness and his key dance moments really make the movie. I am sure it was not intentional, but his dance double looks so different from behind, that that also adds to the fun of it all.

Overall, the plot is pretty basic and classic 80’s carry over: the rich mogul (Martin Mull) and his Zabka-esque lackey (who, in this movie is more of a marriage between Johnny Lawrence and Gordon Gecko) will stop at nothing to get Pops (Ray Walston)  to sell his mountain to the corporate machine. As we all know, at some point between 1990 and today (June, 2020) the Mulls of the world have well won that fight!

  • Not a particularly great movie, made worse by its dated jokes

  • Important social issue, highlighted in a ‘humorous’ way that barely resembles humor today at all

  • A couple good acting turns and fun to watch Paul Feig




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