Side Out

Movie #21

Date Released: 3.30.90

Date Watched: 6.10.2020


Here is my reaction to this movie: absolutely ridiculous. Absurd love story. No real motivation for anyone to do what they do. And I loved it! As always. I have seen this movie so many times and it was the perfect late night filler for me. 

I wonder if the movies just keep getting more and more shallow as we move toward the summer release months. We’ve come a long way from Men Don’t Leave, I’ll tell you that much I will.

Anyway, I doubt there was much clamoring for a beach volleyball movie (other than maybe from a subset of die hard Top Gun fans) but they made one and, if there are no others, this one belongs in the beach volleyball hall of fame. If they’ve made others, this one may wind up forgotten. Enjoyable. Pretty shallow. On to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Publishing Notes:


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Opportunity Knocks