Pet Semetary

“This is such a textured work of horror. In some ways it’s outright horrific, and in other ways it’s deliberately and brilliantly understated. What’s also really interesting to me about this book is something I noticed when, as a creative experiment with very limited resources — stock footage, 3D models, and digital compositing — I tried to make my own book trailer for it. I went and looked at trailers for both versions of the film and realized both of those tell you just about everything that generally happens in the story aside from how it actually all turns out at the very end, which probably wouldn’t be a surprise to any newcomers either. Is there a way to advertise this story without being either too general, or so cryptic that it comes out super convoluted? Personally I don’t know yet because my own attempt was pretty much a bust. But either way, this is one chilling read, and apparently King kept it locked in a desk drawer after writing it because it bothered him too much. He only finally let it back out when he found himself obligated to toss his current publisher an extra novel or two in order to get out of his contract with them.”


Ghost Stories of an Antiquary


Why Evolution Is True