Avatar: the Last Airbender (Animated Series)

“Our friend Bill tried to show me the first episode of this about 2 decades ago. My reaction a few minutes into it was, “Well, I mean, it’s a show for kids, and I don’t really like anime.” Fast forward a bunch of years when my wife Jackie recommends it and suggests we watch it. Not far at all into the first season — maybe another episode or two — I was *all* in, and increasingly so up until then, too. I had this show entirely wrong all those years ago. It’s one of the best examples of top-notch storytelling out there. The animation is more a blend of anime and traditional, and it only gets more incredible and beautiful as it goes. So much of the story and the character arcs are downright artful, and there are even moments that’ll actually make you get kinda misty. An animated show that can captivate a grown person? I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, but there’s huge difference between this and something like, say, the 90s animated X-Men series that I never got to see back when it was on TV. I’ve only recently given that one a try, and not quite the same level as Avatar: TLA — not even close. Meaning, I find that one unbearable.”



