Another 48 Hours

Movie #41

Date Released: 6.8.1990

Date Watched: 7.17.2020


I could spend time writing about the plot holes of this movie or the fact that Eddie Murphy is clearly getting a little sluggish at this point in his career, but that would diminish the fact that I actually enjoyed this movie, for the most part. Granted, after a slew of really horrible movies and, frankly, only about four or five decent ones out of the last 40 movies I’ve watched, the bar is pretty low. This movie is pretty entertaining though. It’s a lot of plot to follow for a crime, action, comedy and I’m guessing that's because the genre was already really crowded by the end of the 80’s, so they had to add a bunch of bells and whistles to make this one stand out.

In the end, though, it’s a pretty standard, buddy good cop evil cop crime comedy. Nothing outrageously funny but these movies have always been in the comedy category, for whatever reason. Probably thanks to Eddie Murphy.

Oh, apparently the movie was much longer originally but because of the runaway success of Total Recall, released just before this, they cut out a whole bunch of stuff. Also, apparently the opening sequence was an homage to Once Upon A Time In The West. I’ve had that on my list for a while and may take a break from the 90’s comedies to give it a watch.  We’ll see!

Publishing Notes:


Dick Tracy


Circuitry Man