Circuitry Man

Movie #40

Date Released: 5.25.1990

Date Watched: 7.17.2020


Well, I’m going to give this a try but...honestly...can I just get some commercial movie next?

“It’s like I always say, why jack off when you can jack in?”

This is actually not a wholly horrible sci fi movie. It’s also not a very good one. But for its budget, I’d say they did a decent job with the acting, the sets, the special effects, and the concepts. Again, though, this is nowhere near a comedy. I’m not really sure what IMDB is doing here, but this categorization has added so many more movies to my list. I have really only seen about 75% comedies and very few of those have really been all that funny.

But this is a fine sci-fi, dystopian, fantasy movie.

Publishing Notes:


Another 48 Hours


Blood Salvage