Blood Salvage

Movie #39

Date Released: 5.25.1990

Date Watched: 7.17.2020


There is absolutely nothing funny about this slasher porn horror movie, other than the fact that they somehow got Evander Hollyfield and Ray Walston to appear in it. This was a truly disgusting movie that was maybe just campy enough to be somewhat entertaining. I’ll be honest that I did not think I’d make it all the way through the movie but it kept the plot going enough to move on. The end signaled the opportunity for a sequel but we can only hope they never made one and, if they did, it won’t be available for streaming. 

Can someone tell me why David Lynch’s Wild At Heart is impossible to find but this movie was available free on Prime?

It’s a strange world we live in.

Publishing Notes:


Circuitry Man


Back To The Future III