Back To The Future III

Movie #38

Date Released: 5.25.1990

Date Watched: 7.17.2020


By far the best produced movie I’ve watched so far. I have to admit I genuinely felt sad when it said “The End” at the end, reminding me that this movie wrapped a series that captured my childhood imagination almost like no other. Yes, none of the trilogy come close to equalling the first movie, which was so fantastic on so many levels, but this third installment did the whole trilogy justice. I recall seeing this in the theater with my brother and my grandfather. My grandfather, who I’m pretty sure had not seen the previous two, liked this one as a standalone movie. It reminded him of the westerns he enjoyed as a young adult. 

Anyway, I’m glad I got to see this movie and it is a reminder of how much in the world and in my own personal life was shifting just as 1990 came about. This is one piece of the end of a wild and exciting 80’s.

Publishing Notes:


Blood Salvage


Cadillac Man