Betsy’s Wedding

Movie #44

Date Released: 6.22.1990

Date Watched: 7.19.2020


This is a sweet little movie. You can see Woody Allen’s influence on Alan Alda in his humor and in the style of this movie. Thankfully, it does not come with all the baggage that now follows Allen’s movies around. I enjoyed this humorous little fun movie. Joe Pesci comes through with another strong performance--he is actually almost too good as a manipulative businessperson, and you can’t actually tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy until the end. He certainly sees himself as a good guy and he may be in some ways, which makes this movie work even more as portrayal of a family trying to make their way through a lifecycle event.

I enjoyed it. Catherine O’Hara was fantastic and I just become a bigger and bigger fan of hers every time I see her on the screen.

Publishing Notes:


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