Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Movie #57

Date Released: 9.10.1990

Date Watched: 7.23.2020


This is the one that is going to change it all for me. A genuinely interesting movie that is well acted and hard to turn off. I kept thinking I would get bored and turn away but actually found myself continually drawn in and trying to figure out what it was all about. I kept wondering, do I know anything about Hamlet, do I understand this movie? Is it about death? Is it about life? Is it about chance? Is it about acting? What the fuck is it about an can I possibly understand it?

What I was left with, though, was the realization that it’s time to shift gears and start watching just the movies I want to watch. I note the other ones I come across but I’m not going to stick with comedies only and not going to force myself to watch stretch movies. I’ll be open minded, but I want to enjoy every bit of this.

I’ll also go back and watch a couple I missed, including Total Recall and some foreign films I skipped over.

Ok. Feeling good about this plan.

Publishing Notes:


The Boyfriend School (aka Don’t Tell Her It’s Me)


Men At Work