Miller’s Crossing

Movie #60

Date Released: 10.5.1990

Date Watched: 7.26.2020


This will be my first foray into the total non-comedies. Coen Brothers are always a bit funny and I am surprised this isn’t labeled a comedy at all. But I honestly remember this film very little, so we’ll see. Lots of Coen Brothers to come in the 90’s.

Really good turn by the Coen brothers. I had a little tough time getting into it but a story that really grips you. Classic ‘how will he get out of this mess’ gritty crime drama that has the Coen brothers’ flair and stylization. Albert Finney is just awesome. Tough movie to watch at times, very violent and very loud. Probably would need to watch a couple times to catch all the detail and understand who all the players are. This is something that gets lost a little with TV shows these days. Not all the time but it’s so much harder to go back and rewatch a whole TV series and catch every detail. And shows go on so long that they generally can’t be as clever with every shot and every storyline.

Arrested Development and the Fargo TV show may be exceptions to this rule.

Publishing Notes:


Narrow Margin


The Boyfriend School (aka Don’t Tell Her It’s Me)